We are proud to announce that Danphone has been awarded a contract
for the delivery and installation of a new GMDSS and NAVTEX system ensuring safe maritime radio communication along the coast line of Bangladesh.
Connecting the Bay of Bengal to the inland waterways, sea transport plays
a vital role in Bangladesh. For the safety of the inland fleet, coastal and
ocean-going vessels, Danphone has designed an integrated, redundant
and fail-safe solution for 24/7 operation, based on well proven communication equipment.
Our system consists of:
The system is connected to an IP network and will ensure safe voice communications and DSC messaging within the A1 and A2 Sea areas.
The NAVTEX services will provide maritime safety information and
meteorological warnings and forecasts to the ships at sea.
Danphone has developed a new innovative Unicode application to the
NAVTEX services enabling transmission of NAVTEX messages using any
local character set in any language.
Please contact us for more information or learn more about our coastal radio systems here on our website